Stop the harassment of all serving and ex-military personnel
We the people demand an immediate cessation of the politically motivated witch hunts against our troops. In particular, we find the Government-backed persecution of very elderly former soldiers over matters that occurred in Northern Ireland almost 50 years ago to be abhorrent, disrespectful and outrageous especially when hundreds of terrorists were pardoned and released under the Good Friday agreement yet our brave soldiers are now hounded and live in fear of being jailed!
It's a disgrace that soldiers are sent to risk their lives to carry out the will of the government only to end up as a political pawn. This has not only happened in Northern Ireland but in Iraq and Afghanistan too.
Soldiers fear to do their jobs which can cost them their lives with the knowledge that their government can stab them in the back for their own political gains. We say STOP THE WITCH HUNT AGAINST OUR TROOPS! PLEASE SIGN THE NATIONAL PETITION AND PASS IT ON. Thank You.
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