Pages tagged "English Independence"
EU Political Project
N.B. Our manifesto can only be changed by the membership of our party at our annual conference, as such sections relating to the European Union and any referendum will be updated shortly.
3.9 The European Union
3.9.1 The English Democrats favour European co-operation and trade but not a European political entity which undermines the independence, sovereignty, and democratic institutions of European states.
3.9.2 European integration, as conceived by the Frenchman Jean Monnet, had the aim of tying Germany into a network of political and economic links with France and other European states so that it would be impossible for Germany to go to war with them. That was by no means the only motivation for seeking ever-closer political and economic union. The interests of Germany and France came together in the peculiar circumstances following World War II. Advantage could be gained for both by combining a post-war German economic revival with French political and agricultural dominance. Germany gained a secure market for its manufacturing industry and France gained a protected market and financial support for its agriculture. In addition, France obtained privileged access to the European market for its colonial produce, and took the lead in building European institutions on the French model – centralised and bureaucratic. The aim from the beginning was to enmesh the states of Europe in an economic, political and military union from which they could not break free. That goal was, and still is, considered more important than the democratic nicety of explaining the goal to the electorate and seeking its approval.
3.9.3 The states of the EU cannot be successfully run as either an economic or social whole. Their economic and cultural circumstances are very different. Each needs to be governed in a way which accords not only with material needs but also with the democratic, cultural and other traditions of the indigenous nations. The one-size-fits-all approach of EU institutions is a recipe for disaster.
3.9.5 The EU has become a top heavy and outdated bureaucratic hulk which is unsuited to an age when the people of Europe need democratic nation-states to protect them and their unique cultures from the excesses of global corporations, global institutions and the global economy. The EU is a part of the problem, not the solution.
3.9.6 (To be amended) The English Democrats will seek referendum authorisation to decide this country’s future relationship with the E.U. That referendum should include the option of leaving the EU and joining the European Free Trade Association, EFTA, whose countries have a free trade agreement with the EU.
3.9.7 (To be Amended) The English Democrats believe that this country should leave the EU and will campaign forcefully to that end.
3.9.8 (To be amended) If, in a referendum, England votes to leave the EU, then the English Democrats believe that we should so leave. It is the English who make the payments to the EU and the other UK nations rely upon the English to continue to do so. In a referendum, the English Democrats would set out the costs that would need to be paid in order to keep the UK as a whole in the EU. The electorate has a right to know the amount of tax which they might be expected to pay.
3.9.9 If England votes to leave then all payments to the EU should cease forthwith and England should re-assert its own sovereignty vis-à-vis the EU. This would involve taking back powers that have been ceded and our own territorial waters.
3.9.10 (To be amended) On leaving the EU, we would hope and expect that the other UK nations would likewise leave in order to preserve a cohesive British state and avoid unnecessary division. In the event of one or more of the other UK nations preferring to remain in the EU – then England should leave the EU nonetheless, unilaterally if necessary.
Local Housing
2.8 Housing
2.8.1 Housing supply and pricing is being severely distorted by the levels of immigration into England. First time buyers find it difficult to afford a home of their own and need to take on large mortgages and the attendant interest payments, in order to do so. Social housing is currently insufficient to meet demand.
2.8.2 With our pledge to bring mass immigration to a complete end and to expel illegal immigrants, then the pressure on housing will be lessened.
2.8.3 The English Democrats advocate a fairer points system for the allocation of social housing, giving greater priority to local people and those who are married and in work. Publicly funded affordable housing purchase/rental schemes should only be available to first time buyers who are citizens of this country.
SECTION 1 – MANIFESTO Aims and Objectives
1.1 Introduction; Aims and Objectives
1.2 Democracy
1.3 Guiding Principles
1.4 Liberty
1.5 A Parliament for England
1.6 The English Flag
SECTION 2 – MANIFESTO Devolved Matters
2.1 Devolved Matters
2.2 Public Services
2.3 State Accountability
2.4 Health
2.5 Disability
2.6 Education
2.7 Transport
2.8 Housing
2.9 Agriculture and Fisheries
2.10 Ecology and Environment
2.11 Policing
2.12 The Legal System
2.14 Drugs and Alcohol
2.15 Population Policy
SECTION 3 – MANIFESTO Reserved Matters
3.1 Families
3.2 Pensioners
3.3 The Economy
3.4 Economic Independence
3.5 One Country Economy
3.6 Taxation
3.7 Employment and Welfare Provision
3.8 Sovereignty
3.9 The European Union
3.10 The Euro
3.11 World trade
3.12 Globalism
3.13 Defence
3.14 Foreign Policy
3.15 Immigration
3.16 England and Multi-Culturalism
3.17 The English
3.18 The People of England
3.19 Political Correctness
3.20 St Georges Day
3.21 Sport
3.22 A Parliament for England
3.23 The Constitutional Case for Reform
3.24 The Barnett Formula
3.25 Monmouthshire
3.26 Policy on Council Tax/ Domestic Rates
3.27 English Tourism
SECTION 1 - Introduction; Aims and Objectives
1.1.1 The aims and objectives of the English Democrats are set out in this and succeeding manifestos.
The broad aim of the English Democrats is to build a society which accommodates the interests of all the people of England. We aim to do this in an enlightened and democratic way.
1.1.2 It would be unrealistic at this stage for the English Democrats to set out detailed policies on every issue. We believe that good politics is a matter of good judgement and pragmatic decision-making within the bounds of general principles and objectives. We have set out below the general principles and objectives that guide us.
1.2 Democracy
1.2.1 We are committed to government of the people, by the people, for the people. Those with power to affect our way of life must be answerable to the people.
1.2.2 Democracy is much more than the ability to choose, from time to time, between broadly similar parties which compete amongst themselves for power. Real democracy is measured by the ability of the people to manage their political, economic, physical, and cultural environment.
1.2.3 We favour directly elected executive mayors as a means of revitalizing local government.
1.2.4 We favour reforming our voting system for English elections to ensure a fair and more democratic representation using a proportional representation system, where the percentage of votes in England would reflect the percentage of elected representatives in England.
1.3 Guiding Principles
The English Democrats will be guided by the following general principles: -
1.3.1 The state should serve the collective interests of its citizens.
1.3.2 We wish to see a modern and wide-ranging Bill of Rights founded on traditional English civil liberties.
1.3.3 The English Democrats seek a far-ranging freedom of access to information.
1.3.4 Wherever reasonably practicable, public appointments should be chosen by direct election.
1.3.5 Power should be devolved, as and when practical, within all spheres of government and service provision, including, for example, the education and health services.
1.3.6 Devolution within England should be through the existing system of local government, subject to modifications that are necessary to meet the needs of a workable and efficient democratic system.
1.3.7 The aim should be to enable local people to identify with Local Authorities. We must reverse the trend towards remote and unaccountable decision-making.
1.3.8 We favour - recognition for traditional counties, which would include the reunification of Yorkshire.
1.3.9 We favour the use of referenda in local government with a view to using referenda in other tiers of government if the experiment proves successful. A system like that used in Switzerland should be the model. This would enable citizens to petition for a referendum on certain policy issues.
Proposed changes to the constitution should be referred to the electorate in referenda. The results should be binding. There could be a role here for the Second Chamber as guardian of the constitution.
Rules are needed for the timing and funding of referenda with the aim of making them as fair as possible to all parties involved.
1.4 Liberty
1.4.1 We support moves to maximise individual liberty and reduce state involvement in people's lives. People may assume any identity that they want, but they have no right to deprive other groups of
their rights in so doing. These rights include the right to privacy (bathroom use), sports events, safe spaces
such as women only waiting rooms, shelters, and intimate cosmetic procedures We hold that gender is determined by biology. Any other identity chosen is for social purposes only and not for legal purposes. And no law
may be made that attempts to alter these biological identities.
1.4.2 The Party regards itself as the defender of the freedoms, rights, and obligations of the individual.
No law or regulation may be passed that treats people as being part of a group. No law may be passed
giving or denying rights to, for example: the ‘black community, the Christian community, the white
community, for men, for women, or for Muslims etc.
1.4.3 This policy will be followed in schools where any officially sponsored activity can only be made if
it is based on the natural characteristics of our nation. So, for example no group may be given a higher
mark because they are a member of a particular group.
1.4.4 No activity can be organised that excludes members on the basis of their gender, race, or ethnicity.
unless it is an activity that genuinely splits people into groups for the sake of child protection. This does not apply to activities where gender is a natural characteristic in performance such as some sports.
1.5 A Parliament for England
1.5.1 The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England, an Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members or Parliament sitting in the English Parliament.
1.5.2 We reject the plans for regional assemblies because, among other things, they will promote disunity and conflict with England.
1.5.3 The English Democrats' will study the future findings of the English Constitutional Convention (ECC) and may accommodate ECC findings within future party policy.
1.5.4 With an Independent England the Barnett formula would automatically cease. The formula institutionalised discrimination against the people of England by ensuring that public spending in Scotland and Wales is far higher per head of population than in England.
1.6 The English Flag
1.6.1 We call for the compulsory flying of the English flag, the cross of St George, on all state-maintained public buildings in England.
SECTION 2 – Devolved Matters
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament. Items previously classed as ‘Devolved matters’ will therefore be the responsibility of the English Parliament in an Independent England.
2.2 Public Services
2.2.1 We believe that it is the responsibility of government to ensure that all citizens have access to high quality healthcare and education, which should be free at the point of supply. Public services should not be seen as a minimal safety net for the less fortunate.
2.2.2 While all public services should be the responsibility of government, where appropriate, use should be made of the private sector to provide the elements that make up those services.
2.2.3 It is important that our finite resources be used as efficiently as possible Government should be responsible for providing a police force and judicial system which enjoys public confidence.
2.2.4 The immediate provision of public services should not be gained at the cost of long-term debt. We have no right to defer the cost of services so that they become a burden for future generations.
2.3 State Accountability
2.3.1 We call for the state to publish clear and comprehensive annual accounts, in the same way that private companies do. These comprehensive public accounts would list all taxes collected and list all expenditure items and would link to detailed information on each specific area.
2.3.2 We call for this information to be accessible from a single website.
2.4 Health
2.4.1 We are committed to making the National Health Service an efficient organisation which provides a high-quality service for all citizens.
2.4.2 The need for improvement is such that it may be necessary to adopt a simplified approach to structure and management.
2.4.3 The priority given to a patient's treatment should be based on medical need, not artificial management targets. Bearing this in mind, we would create a N.H.S. Inspectorate on a similar basis to the very successful schools Inspectorate. Its purpose would be to raise standards of service, ensure equal quality of healthcare throughout England, and check malpractice in both the NHS and the private healthcare sector.
2.4.4 Care in the Community as a policy has manifestly failed, not only to protect the public, but also to protect the mentally ill, partly through inadequate funding. English Democrats policy is that if it is considered that an individual poses a significant risk either to themselves or to the public, they should remain in secure care.
2.4.5 NHS services must not be made freely available to non-nationals.
2.4.6 All those entering England must have valid health insurance covering their stay.
Those seeking residency must provide proof of passing full health checks by an accredited clinic or doctor for HIV, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Hepatitis, and other diseases if such are prevalent in their home country.
2.4.7 Entrance into England will not be permitted for those who have contagious or debilitating illnesses which could threaten public health, compromise their private health insurance, or are likely to place an unacceptable burden on the NHS.
2.5 Disability
2.5.1 The English Democrats would seek means for providing greater education, training, and employment opportunities for the disabled and chronically sick.
2.6 Education
2.6.1 As in other public services, there is a need to constantly improve standards. The quality of education should be equal throughout England.
2.6.2 England's prosperity is not based on natural resources but on the skills and enterprise of her people. Our well-being is bound up with the quality of education and training. Education is an expensive investment, but ignorance is even more costly, in personal, economic, and social terms. With an Independent England the Barnet formula would cease, a substantial proportion of the funds released to England from the ending of the Barnett formula should be used to reduce class sizes, increase teachers’ pay, and improve buildings and equipment.
2.6.3 We recognise that for social and economic reasons, some sections of the English population do not appreciate the importance of providing their children with a positive attitude to education. This lapse has contributed to the emergence of an anti-authority youth-culture which sees education and the discipline needed for successful learning as a form of repression to be rebelled against. This is part of a wider social and cultural problem that cannot be tackled by teachers and funding alone.
There is much evidence to suggest that properly socialised into their history and culture young people, and especially children, take a generally positive view of their society and this helps them to have a positive view about themselves. Children who are culturally well integrated into their society are more likely to be good citizens, less likely to commit crime and more likely to participate in the community. The English Democrats will ensure that the school curriculum promotes the teaching of English history and culture in which English children can take pride. The teaching of English history must be done in such a manner that tells our nations story, and that
it neither hides, nor condemns, nor glorifies any aspect. Students must be taught to properly analyse and
debate the pros and cons of any aspect of historical record, both in its original context, in the current contextand its importance now.
2.6.4 The English Democrats would encourage positive attitudes to education as part of a wider programme for promoting communal values. When education is widely seen as an aid to greater freedom, happiness and prosperity, schools will become more pleasant places for pupils and teachers, and educational standards will rise.
2.6.5 Primary & Secondary Education The English Democrats support parental choice. Where there is a demand for it, schools should be able to free themselves from local education authority control and be run independently in a way that suits local needs. The English Democrats support the continued work of the Schools Inspectorate in the provision of independent information on the quality of education in schools.
2.6.6 Higher and Continuing Education The English Democrats would provide greater resources for continuing lifetime education and thereby enhance the opportunities open to all citizens. An Inspectorate similar to that of the Schools Inspectorate should monitor and report on the education and effectiveness of all continuing education establishments in England.
2.6.7 Balance in Education- English Democrats advocate a rebalancing of education so that craft & vocational options are given equal emphasis to academic options. Our non-academic people must be valued and praised. We oppose the lowering of academic standards in order to increase graduate headcount statistics. Academic examination standards should be restored to a pre-1985 level.
2.7 Transport
2.7.1 Only the state can bring together the resources and long-term strategic planning that is necessary for the creation of an integrated transport infrastructure.
2.7.2 Transport policy should give proper weight to economic, environmental and public service considerations. These issues need to be considered when planning and building a cheap, efficient and safe integrated transport system.
2.7.3 There should be greater local involvement in transport planning and a more equal distribution of resources throughout England.
2.7.4 Greater use should be made of light railways, trams, cycleways and pedestrian friendly areas.
2.7.5 The motorist has become an easy target for prosecution and fund-raising. The imposition of speed cameras has become a revenue raising exercise. Prosecuting motorists does not count as fighting crime. Motorists already pay, via fuel tax and road fund licences, far more than is needed to maintain and improve the road network. Too much emphasis is placed upon road tolls, bridge tolls, speeding fines, congestion charges as well as parking fines and penalties. Speed cameras should only be used as a last resort and only for safety reasons.
2.7.6 Proposed improvements to the transport network have been shelved by the government citing costs, and yet Scotland continues to benefit from like schemes. There should be a review by the English Government of all transport projects abandoned by the UK Government.
2.7.7 It is unfair that foreign vehicles should have free access to our road network. A toll should be introduced on all vehicles entering this country to ensure that they pay the full cost of the wear and tear on our road system which they cause.
2.8 Housing
2.8.1 Housing supply and pricing is being severely distorted by the levels of immigration into England. First time buyers find it difficult to afford a home of their own and need to take on large mortgages and the attendant interest payments. Social housing is currently insufficient to meet demand.
2.8.2 With our pledge to bring mass immigration to a complete end and to expel illegal immigrants, then the pressure on housing will be lessened.
2.8.3 The English Democrats advocate a fairer points system for the allocation of social housing, giving greater priority to local people and those who are married and in work. Publicly funded affordable housing purchase/rental schemes should only be available to first time buyers who are citizens of this country.
2.9 Agriculture and Fisheries
2.9.1 English agriculture should be organised and, where necessary, financed in a way that suits English interests. Likewise, English fishing grounds should be treated as a national resource and be managed by a body which includes representatives of the English fishing industry.
2.9.2 The aim of English agriculture should be to provide good quality food at a reasonable price. This should be done in a way that is environmentally friendly. Concern for the environment should not cause us to lose sight of the fact that the primary role of farmers is to produce food.
2.9.3 The whole array of agricultural subsidies and marketing schemes needs overhauling. The strategic aim should be to help those in temporary need, and secure reliable supplies. To this end we favour greater use of targeted support, and fewer general subsidies.
2.9.4 Support, where appropriate, would be provided for farmers who wish to switch away from factory farming to mixed farming and organic production.
2.9.5 Schemes to encourage the local production and distribution of food will be developed. In all areas of agriculture, we should seek more environmentally friendly and healthy production.
2.9.6 We should strive to ensure that all rules and regulations which are applied to domestic production are also applied to imports.
2.9.7. We must treat animals humanely. The measure of the way that we treat them is indicative of the kind of people we are. The English Democrats would amend “The Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (England) Regulations 2015” so that all such animals being slaughtered for food consumption will be rendered insensible to pain prior to having the throat cut with death supervening by bleeding. Without one law for all it will be impossible to have a coherent society. There will be no exemptions.
2.10 Ecology and the Environment
2.10.1 The English Democrats believe that the resources of land and sea should be used in a way which gives due consideration to the long-term consequences. Each generation holds the environment in trust for future generations. We should not leave them to bear the cost of our selfish and short-sighted behaviour.
Guiding principles
2.10.3 Zero-pollution hydrogen fuel-cell power-packs are available, sized to power vehicles through to large buildings and entire localities. We support programmes to develop a hydrogen supply infrastructure, with particular focus on hydrogen originally created using renewable energy. We support the establishment of English pilot towns that will generate their own power using hydrogen fuel cells. We call for the scheme to be rolled out across England upon successful completion of the pilot trials.
2.10.4 Greater use of renewable resources and the more efficient use of energy. This should include encouragement for Green industries, especially energy generation, and the construction of energy efficient buildings.
2.10.5 Laws to prevent and deter pollution. The polluter should be made to pay.
2.10.6 Controls on noise pollution from roads, airports, domestic, and other sources.
2.10.7 All major planning decisions should be subject to an efficient and speedy system of public enquiry with the final decision being made by an English Parliament.
2.10.8 The English Democrats promote much tighter restrictions on green-field development and a better use of brown-field sites.
2.10.9 The English Democrats encourage the use of local building materials and designs throughout England. Greater consideration should be given to aesthetics. Our towns and cities have for many years been plagued with ugly buildings and uninspired uniformity of design. The fault for this often lies not with architects or planners but with those who determine the allocation of funds. Too often the overriding consideration for new buildings and development projects is cost. Modern architectural designs and building techniques could, in the proper place, greatly improve our environment.
2.10.10 Improvement in building standards, e.g. better sound insulation and larger minimum room sizes.
2.10.11 The English Democrats will initiate greater local control of planning and other environmental issues.
2.10.12 The English Democrat will promote viable village communities with affordable accommodation for the young.
2.10.13 Animal experimentation is to be sanctioned only in connection with human health and where no practicable alternative exists.
2.11 Policing
2.11.1 Policing is an increasingly difficult job due to changes in our society, which now lacks the social cohesion and shared values that once gave us a mostly peaceful and well-ordered way of life. Our cities have become places where it is impossible to perform traditional communal policing.
2.11.2 English Democrats seek a return to a system of policing which recognises the principle that all citizens are treated equally. In their efforts to prevent crime and catch criminals the police should not be hindered and demoralised by unreasonable ideological constraints.
2.11.3 We should not lose sight of the fact that the basis for the maintenance of law and order in England rests on a firm foundation of active participation by law-abiding citizens. A relationship of trust and co-operation between citizens and police is essential to effective policing and the prevention of crime. With that in mind, it is reasonable to expect that policing should not be oppressive. The aim is a peaceable society in which liberty and justice can flourish.
2.11.4 It is essential that the police force be adequately trained and resourced.
2.11.5 Police forces should be more democratically accountable than at present. This would require the election of Chief Constables or the Police Authorities which appoint them.
2.11.6 English Democrats call for the creation of a scheme enabling businesses to pay for their security staff to train and register as Special Constables, their powers of arrest applying to their place of work and its neighbouring streets. Such registered security staff would be subject to Police staff performance monitoring and discipline.
2.12 The Legal System
2.12.1 The primary role of a legal system is to provide the means for settling disputes. It should enable those who suffer loss, in the form personal injury, theft, or damage to property, to be properly compensated by the party at fault. Laws, and the penalties for breaking them, should comply with the principles of natural justice.
As societies have become more complex, so have their law codes. To a great extent, this is unavoidable.
2.12.2 However, states and their governing elites are extending the reach of law into areas that infringe upon individual liberties. The result is a body of law which is more restrictive and complex than it need be.
Many of the customs and principles of English law are being undermined in the political quest for greater conformity with Continental ideas and practices. Law is being used as a tool for imposing dogma. One of the consequences of these changes is that the police are increasingly being made the enforcers of political doctrine and moving further away from their traditional role of upholding the delicate balance between Order and Liberty.
2.12.3 To obtain justice, citizens must feel able to consult and employ the services of the legal profession. Many people are deterred from this by the procedures and costs of the present legal system. Improvements have been made in recent years but more needs to be done to make the system user friendly and efficient.
2.13.4 The English Democrats favours less law and a simplification of law. There are far too many matters currently covered by the criminal law. There should be a drastic reduction and rationalisation of the number and extent of criminal offences.
2.13.5 We must reform the jury system but not abandon it because the jury provides a democratic check on the legal system. The law is not the property of lawyers; it belongs to the people and should serve their needs.
Our preference is for a return to comprehensible, just and effective law. Given its current chaotic state, the law should be codified.
2.13.6 Once the criminal law has been properly codified, the English Democrats would ensure that the criminal law is vigorously policed and enforced.
2.13.7 Except in an emergency there should be a single annual implementation date for new law. This will help rectify the current muddled situation where no one can be sure, without considerable effort or expense, whether a clause of a new Act has been brought into force or not. Also, some rules, for example the Civil Procedure Rules, are being rewritten so frequently that new editions are being published more than once a month! This lead, not surprisingly, to the shameful situation where no-one, not even the judiciary, can be sure of the current rule in force without first making unreasonable efforts to research the point.
2.13.8 To avoid such excessive complexity developing again, a monitoring system should be devised which ensures that new law is unambiguously comprehensible and properly and efficiently enforceable. This could be a function of a reformed Second Chamber.
2.13.9 The English Democrats respect the right of victims of crime to defend themselves and their property against criminals. The English Democrats would extend the right of self-help. People should be allowed to use simple non-lethal means of self-defence such as pepper sprays, or CS gas
sprays. The Government has the right to request the National Standards Authority to prepare reasonable
Standards for the preparation of such devices. They may pass a law that requires the manufacturers of such products to follow the national standards. Such devices should be no more harmful than tasers currently used by the Police The police in England seem increasingly unwilling and unable to help our people when attacked or burgled. So, if elected, our Police Commissioner candidates will requiretheir Chief Constables to grant firearms and shotgun
licences for personal protection, as well as CS gas and pepper spray items (of the sort commonly available over the
counter on the Continent).
These will be for the purposes of citizens protecting themselves and their property.
This isin accordance with the actual law. We will direct Police Constables to ignore the unlawful Home Office, politically motivated, guidance to the contrary. The English Democrats respect the rights of citizens who are victims of crime to defend themselvesand their
property against criminals. The English Democrats regard this as no more than the traditional English right of self-help. Furthermore it will be Force policy that no police officer who is called to a scene of a burglary or other
situation where a victim of crime has defended themselves or their property against a criminal or criminals shall
be permitted to arrest the victim. If, in breach of this policy a police officer does arrest the victim, then the Chief
Constable will be directed to indicate to that officer that their chances of promotion within that constabulary are
thereby ended. Any Chief Constable instructed as above who does not comply with our Police Commissioner’s
instructions shall be forthwith dismissed by our Police Commissioner.
2.13.10 The English Democrats believe that every victim of a criminal offence should have the right to address the court on the question of sentence and for the court to be required to bear the victim's views in mind when passing sentence.
2.13.11 It is not acceptable that 100,000 hardened criminals commit over half of all crime in the U.K. Once a criminal is identified as beyond effective rehabilitation he or she must be kept out of the community until no longer a risk.
2.13.12 Prisons should be designed and equipped so that prisoners are not subject to degrading conditions. Prison space should be increased rather than release offenders early, and there should be sufficient prison space to allow the imprisonment of deserving offenders.
2.14 Drugs and Alcohol
2.14.1 English Democrats believe that government should encourage a healthy lifestyle which makes the minimum use of "recreational" drugs of all kinds and only reasonable use of alcohol. The Government's drug policy is failing to control the use of illegal drugs and its alcohol policy appears to be making the problems worse.
2.14.2 The English Democrats favour an independent, and open minded, English enquiry into alcohol and drug abuse. Medical Cannabis to be available, by prescription, for conditions where it has been approved by the regulatory body of England.
2.14.3 The current policies for dealing with problems of addiction are not working adequately and there is an ever-rising tide of criminality arising from, in particular, drug abuse. Addiction problems are very difficult to solve and require careful analysis. One particularly frustrating aspect of addiction is that family and friends are often aware of the plight of the addicted person but unable to do what is best for them. One area of reform should be greater provision for addicts to be subject to compulsory treatment in secure care.
2.14.4 All those who commit criminal offences whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol should be subject to compulsory assessment and if found to be addicted should immediately be taken into such care.
2.14.5 The most important aspect of the fight against drug dealing criminals is that any policy should seek to destroy their market, protect the public, and punish offenders.
2.14.6 The English Democrats intend to raise gaol sentences for drug dealing in Class A drugs graduating from a fixed five-year term as a minimum doubling it for any subsequent re-offence.
2.14.7 Registered Class A drug addicts will be placed in secure drug rehabilitation schemes rather than sent to prison, where active participation in the detoxification programme will be a requirement of their sentence. Failure to comply with the detoxification programme may result in secure custody within a prison environment as per a graduated tariff based on previous antecedence.
2.14.8 Addicts with children will be put on the 'at risk' register and custody of children will be dependent on an addict's ability to detoxify. Addicts failing to successfully complete detoxification will not have their children returned to them, the rights of the children must be paramount and either familial custody or foster parents will be sought until detoxification has been completed. The return of children will be conditional on regular detoxification checks.
2.14.9 Addicts wishing to seek help for their addiction will be registered at a specific medical centre, one which is outside of the GP network.
2.14.10 The government will provide a dedicated County based Drug Management Service for those who are addicted to Class A drugs. Registration as a drug addict will require regular visits to the centre under a personally structured drugs management programme.
This might include: Maintenance doses of drug to which the person is addicted whilst awaiting to attend a detoxification scheme Provision of supervised medical care and clean syringes to minimise contamination & safe disposal. Maintenance doses for repeatedly defaulting addicts Family Health Visitor Sessions - to ensure children of ex addicts are thriving Employment/Training/Housing referrals and counselling Those who commit criminal offences, and who are found to be using drugs, will be
expected to prove that they were not funding their drug use by their criminal activity. Those who fail to do so will be placed on a drug's rehabilitation programme and will be detained until they have been free of drug use for 6 months. Upon release, they will be monitored to ensure that they remain drug free and will be re-detained if they fail to do so.
2.15 Population Policy
2.15.1 Successive British governments have failed to recognize the need for a properly
formulated population policy. The increasing number of pensioners will increase the size of the population in the short term and the low birth-rate will decrease the size of the population in the long term. Government policies need to prepare for the consequent tax and welfare implications. The English Democrats believe that funded pension provision will contribute to addressing the long-term costs of caring for the elderly, as will giving the elderly a greater priority in public spending decisions. A more family friendly outlook to society will help address the low birth-rate.
2.15.2 Surveys show that young women are keen to have children at a sufficient birth-rate to ensure the long-term stability of the size of the population. They are however currently deterred due to difficulties in acquiring housing, financial pressures and employment difficulties. A population policy should involve a more family friendly stance and include the following:
* The introduction of joint taxation and transferable tax allowances for married couples, who have parental responsibility for a child, which will help those dependent upon a single wage and will help where a mother [or father] stays at home to care for children full time. The government should not be trying to force mothers who wish to stay at home out to work.
* The recreation of a properly functioning labour market, by ending mass immigration, which will help achieve the aim of full employment and so provide jobs for the young.
* The abolition of fees for higher education.
* Steps to ensure a supply of affordable housing. This will be helped by ending mass immigration.
2.15.3 The English Democrats also recognize the impact of population changes on the economies, societies and the environment of developing countries and support the appointment of a Royal Commission to advise government of the implications for overseas aid and foreign policy.
2.16 Broadcasting, Media and the Arts
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England, an Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament.
2.16.1 With an Independent England the British Broadcasting Corporation would cease. The English Government would be required to create an English Broadcasting Corporation, this may include transferring over the English Departments of the British Broadcasting Corporation into the newly formed English Broadcasting Corporation.
2.16.2 The English Government will appoint a Minister for Broadcasting, Media and the Arts to oversee the English Broadcasting Corporation.
The World Service would be run by the English Broadcasting Corporation.
2.16.3. English Broadcasting Corporation would be given a strong community ethos with a requirement that its programming, particularly the factual element, be based on the views of the community as evidenced by impartial national polling, which polls would be publicly available. Minority views should be covered to the extent that research shows they are prevalent in the country. English Broadcasting Corporation would have a two-tier governance structure with a board of directors consisting of both executive and non-executive members reporting to a governing body. The current governing body is a collection of the ‘Great and the Good’ appointed by the ‘Great and the Good’ and is totally unfit for its current role let alone the role of an English community broadcaster. For this reason, the governing body would be elected by viewers. The Board’s role would be to fill its community broadcasting role through an appropriate selection of artistic, broadcast modes (TV, radio, internet etc.) and financial means. The governing body’s role would be to supervise only the community aspect of broadcasting and the appointment of the Chairman and Managing Director of the board of English Broadcasting Corporation. The success of the current management would be judged by; the annual governors’ report, audience figures, complaints, an Annual Report and financial audit and a bi-annual value for money study carried out by a body like the National Audit Office.
2.16.4 English Broadcasting Corporation would be financed solely by its own sales and subscription from viewers. The License Fee would be abolished.
SECTION 3 – Reserved Matters
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament. Items previously classed as ‘Reserved matters’ will therefore be the responsibility of the English Parliament in an Independent England.
3.1 Families
3.1.1 It is often overlooked that our society is founded on the institutions of marriage and family life. The family is the place where cultural and moral values are most successfully passed from one generation to the next.
3.1.2 The English Democrats favour the promotion of marital families, consisting of mother, father and children, as the preferred building block of our society.
3.1.3 The English Democrats wish to create a social and financial environment where men and women can enjoy the opportunity of a career and also raise a family.
3.1.4 New attitudes and practices are needed so that raising a family is no longer seen as a second-best option to the maximisation of wealth and leisure.
3.1.5 We need families with children because without them our nation and way of life will cease to exist.
3.1.6 We need young people to train as nurses, doctors, police, teachers, soldiers and all the many other occupations that a society requires.
3.1.7 It is English Democrat policy to strive to make family life culturally desirable. We will advocate taxation and welfare policies that are conducive to family life.
3.2 Pensioners
3.2.1 There should be proper provision of pensions and care for elderly citizens so that they are able to enjoy a decent standard of living. Restricting pensions has for too long been an easy way for successive governments to cut spending when the priority should have been full employment and hence reducing the cost of maintaining both official and unofficial unemployed. Pensioners should be a priority.
3.2.2 The following objectives should be pursued. The best pension entitlement that can be afforded. A tax system that rewards rather than, as at present discourages thrift. This should involve the creation of funded schemes for future pension savings for individuals similar to those in Australia and Chile. Equality of treatment between the public sector and private sector employees for both the provision of pensions and the age of retirement a more flexible retirement age, thus allowing people more freedom to choose the date of their retirement. Improvements in the provision of specialised medical care and services for the elderly.
3.3 The Economy
3.3.1 A Mixed Market Economy-The English Democrat favour a market economy but not an unrestrained market economy. Trade and industry should, within reason, meet the needs of the society within which it operates. Societies should not be expected to subvert their democratic and cultural institutions to meet the needs of trade and industry. More consumption does not necessarily produce more happiness.
A healthy economy is a mixed economy.
3.3.2 The English Democrats promote expansion of our manufacturing sector and halt the trend towards an over-reliance on service industries. It is a fallacy that manufacturing industry is low-tech metal-bashing which can be replaced with service industries. Most of the service sector does not provide high-tech jobs. Catering, retailing, warehousing, and call-centre work is mostly low-tech, low paid work. The aerospace, electronics, pharmaceutical, and engineering industries should be the bedrock of our economy and the core around which a high-skill, high-pay service sector is built. In furtherance of this policy, and in the interests of a healthy economy, there should be an industrial policy which promotes and expands manufacturing industry. Manufacturing is an essential part of a modern and prosperous economy.
3.3.3. Business Clusters - If England is to compete on an international basis it needs to develop high productivity business clusters which generate that productivity through competition, innovation, investment, effective management and skills development, collaboration on appropriate matters and the development of a business environment conducive to cluster development.
Experience has shown that these clusters are often concentrated geographically and require public investment directed through a focused and competent local government structure itself subject to and having to respond to competitive forces.
The English Democrats will support a sustained programme of cluster development through:
targeted public investment in all stages of the local value chains of clusters managed locally and jointly with their industrial clusters,
appropriate changes to competition, regulation, and company law,
ensuring universities, colleges and schools develop the organisational structures to strengthen their engagement in their business environment of which they are a part,
funding public research institutions to carry out this role and where necessary establishing new research institutions,
ensure that the financial institutions in this country play their part in providing investment for cluster development enthusiastically and whole-heartedly and play a positive role in the business environment of which they are a part and from which they benefit,
challenging business management to improve its skills to the level demanded of internationally competitive organisations and to work with the educational bodies to improve skills in their workforce and their business environment
ensuring that quality and continuous improvement is part of the business environment,
improve technology commercialisation through improvements to the university-business environment
ensure that the appropriate statistical information is collected and made available to all.
3.4 Economic Independence
3.4.1 Appropriate encouragement and targeted support should be given to ensure that certain strategic resources are produced in England. Complete self-sufficiency is impossible; however, we should ensure that we are not placed in a position where we are unable to defend our vital interests because we lack control of the necessary strategic resources.
3.4.2 Our economy and currency should be managed, as far as possible, by our own government. States may be less independent than they once were, we should resist those who would leave our economic well-being in the hands of global corporations and institutions. We should retain what independence and control we have and strive to gain more.
3.4.3 The English Democrats advocate support for core "strategic" industries without which England would not be able to maintain her economic well-being. Many vital, highly capital-intensive industries are unlikely to be restarted by private entrepreneurs alone. Examples are energy (including coal mining); agriculture, manufacturing (including shipbuilding, bearings and machine tools), transportation, water, aviation and defence to name but a few.
3.4.4 There should be some emphasis on supporting strategic industries in the North of England, where there is less overcrowding and more affordable housing for workers.
3.4.5 A key method of support to these strategic industries is for the public sector to purchase from them, especially during downturns in their open market.
3.4.6 The English Democrats also favour support to these industries from the government intellectually, educationally and via private-public financing arrangements, although we recognise that there isn't a prevalence of business skills and experience within government circles.
3.4.7 As a last resort, where it is necessary to avoid the loss of a strategic industry, we advocate the purchase of a government-held "golden share" which can be sold as and when the industry regains stability.
3.4.8 We recognise that England's ability to implement its own industrial strategy is impaired by its being subject to UK authority: the English Democrats support independence, subject to referendum authorisation.
3.5 A One Country Economy
3.5.1 There should be a more equal spread of government, and government directed spending throughout England. This objective could be furthered by an English Parliament committed to ensuring that good public services and the infrastructure for a modern economy exist in all parts of England.
3.5.2 The economy has been damaged by successive British government commitments to the globalization, mass immigration and the EU. There has further been an excessive growth in the number of quangos and other excessive bureaucracy and politically correct non-jobs, which need to be cut. Priority must be given to the preservation of core services for ordinary people. The English Democrats support a zero-base budgeting approach to the funding of quangos in that those quangos which cannot justify their continued existence should see the funding either reduced or eliminated.
3.5.3 There should be a restriction of overseas aid to humanitarian aid only. Monies saved should be used to increase the training of doctors and nurses in this country so that we no longer need to poach these professionals from developing countries where they are needed.
3.5.4 Mass immigration should no longer be a replacement for a properly functioning labour market, where a shortage in a particular sector of the workforce is reflected by an increase in wages and so attracting more local people into that occupation. Work permits should only be issued on a very restricted basis for professional skills not available in this country or to wealthy businessmen who will bring business and wealth into the country.
3.5.5 Leaving the EU should allow the extension of territorial waters to the international standard of a 200-mile limit and will help create jobs in the fishing industry, which has been so badly affected by the Common Fisheries Policy. Leaving the EU should further allow the removal of much unnecessary red tape, reducing industries' costs and helping competitiveness.
3.5.6 Greater priority should be given to manufacturing. The economy needs to be less dependent upon the City and financial sectors. Consideration should be given to the introduction of a Tobin Tax, or transaction tax, to help repay the cost of the bank bailout and tax measures will be introduced to penalize excessive bank and City bonuses. The banks should be compelled to rebuild their balance sheets and not allowed to plunder the taxpayers' monies given to them to fund their bonus payments and other forms of remuneration.
3.5.7 There should be a comprehensive system of banking regulation, including making the Bank of England responsible for regulating all banks and depository institutions. There should be higher liquidity and capital requirements. Banks should be compelled to take out insurance against running out of capital. Commercial banks and investment banks should be separated. Banks should be reduced in size and allowed to fail as any other business, the priority being to protect the monies of the public and not the bankers. A recreation of genuine building societies would be beneficial. The law should be changed to impose a duty of care upon the banks, liquidators and receivers towards bank customers, allowing the customer to sue for negligence.
3.6 Taxation
3.6.1 We call for honesty in taxation policy.
3.6.2 We oppose the imposition of stealth taxes, such as the tax on pension scheme dividends, because such dishonest taxes are tantamount to theft by the state.
3.6.3 We support the ring-fencing approach to taxation for major areas of public expenditure such as health and pensions, whereby taxes are collected for a specific purpose and the state cannot redirect those funds to a different purpose.
3.7 Employment & Welfare Provision
3.7.1 We believe that the government should pursue policies which provide the conditions necessary for full employment.
3.7.2 Welfare payments should, where possible, be linked to employment and retraining schemes. We support the principle of National Insurance benefits, such as Unemployment Benefit, providing short to medium term relief. Income Support should provide a net for citizens with dependent families or other commitments requiring additional support.
3.7.3 The National Insurance system has been allowed by successive governments to become unacceptably open to abuse. There are currently millions more National Insurance numbers than the adult population of the whole of the United Kingdom. The scheme should be immediately overhauled to prevent fraud and duplication.
3.7.4 Once this process has been completed, there should be vigorous enforcement of the rule those persons without a valid national insurance number should not be allowed to undertake paid employment or claim any form of welfare benefit.
3.7.5 Child maintenance allowances or any public monies paid to parents for their children should only be claimable if the child is resident in the country. Such allowances are only to be paid to citizens of this country.
3.7.6 Obtaining allowances to which people are not entitled through fraud or deception should carry a prison sentence and the possibility of the confiscation of assets to repay fraudulent claims.
3.7.7 Any provision of welfare for non-citizens should only be on the basis of reciprocal rights between states.
3.7.8 The English Democrats would replace the Minimum Wage with the Living Wage so as to reduce the financial pressures faced by the lower paid.
3.7.9 Increasing populations exacerbate the dangers we face from increasing use of natural resources and environmental pollution. England itself now has one of the highest population densities in Europe leading to higher and increasing financial costs for public services such as housing and education and an ever-increasing welfare bill. It is a matter of question whether the English economy can meet these fiscal needs without increasing taxes to unsustainable levels. For these reasons the English Democrats will cap relevant welfare payments to a life-time maximum family size of three children. This policy would be applied so its impact would be spread out over many years.
3.7.10 Carers Allowance - People in receipt of Carers Allowance should not be penalised through limitations being placed on their own potential earnings. If the Carer meets the requirements for receiving a Carers Allowance, then their own potential earnings should not affect the receiving of the Carers Allowance.
3.8 Sovereignty
3.8.1 Sovereignty is the ability to make and enforce law subject to no higher authority.
3.8.2 Sovereignty belongs to the people, who lend it to democratic institutions.
3.8.3 We have the inalienable right to determine the nature of the institutions which exercise our sovereign powers and the conditions on which they do so.
3.9 The European Union
3.9.1 The English Democrats favour European co-operation and trade, co-operation and trade with other nations or trading blocs would be an essential part of England’s international trade, but we will not sign up to trading agreements which undermines the independence, sovereignty, and democratic institutions of England.
3.11 World Trade
3.11.1 Global corporations should view their ability to trade in a society as a privilege, not an absolute right. Governments should do their best to ensure that global corporations treat their societies no less favourably than others. For example, if corporations choose to regard the world as a global market when considering labour and other production costs, they should also treat it as a global market when it comes to pricing. If they produce in China, their prices for goods and services should reflect that. Differential pricing zones are a hindrance to fair and free trade and should not be tolerated.
3.11.2 Changes need to be made to the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the way it is governed. Our government should take the lead in pushing for reform of WTO rules and structure or produce plans for a new organisation to take its place. Any attempt to resurrect the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), or something similar, should be resisted. The Multilateral Agreement on Investment was scheduled to be signed in spring 1998 but it was so ambitious and extreme that it proved impossible to gain the necessary support. The aim of MAI was to ensure that global corporations could operate beyond the control of states. If MAI or an agreement like it ever came into effect, it would make corporations the legal equal of states. Corporations would be able to move capital and plant around the world as they pleased and sue any state which interfered. MAI was to be an institution, similar to WTO and the World Bank, with an appointed body which would enforce its rules.
3.11.3 The English Democrats advocate a "fairs fair" policy of international reciprocation, whereby England matches any restrictions imposed by other countries that adversely affect England. For example, English companies aren't allowed to take control of Swiss companies, so the reverse should be applied.
3.12 Globalism
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament.
3.12.1 Our parliamentary democracy is being weakened. One of the principal reasons for this is that the UK government and Westminster parliament gave away many areas of policy and legislation. Power was steadily being passed to the European Union, along with global institutions, and global corporations. Policies and Legislations which still reside with the global institutions, and global corporations, is still required to be brought under UK government and Westminster parliamentary control. Powerful organisations over which we have no democratic control are creating political and economic structures that serve their interests not ours. In doing so, they are destroying our way of life and communal cohesion.
3.12.2 The globalism being inflicted on us is neither desirable nor inescapable. It is not the product of an inevitable historical process. We need not stand by and allow our identity and way of life to be sacrificed to its needs.
3.13 Defence
3.13.1 The English Democrats supports continued membership of NATO as a strictly defensive alliance which does not interfere in the internal affairs of its member states.
3.13.2 Our armed forces should enjoy the highest standards of training and equipment. Their primary role should be as a fighting force. The resources devoted to them should match the commitments they are expected to fulfil. The main purpose of our armed forces should be to protect our country and the interests of its people.
3.13.4 The English Democrats are opposed to the use of our forces in operations where they are in effect serving as mercenaries of a foreign state.
3.13.5 Members of the armed services who suffer injury in the service of their country should be quickly and properly cared for and compensated. The abolition of the military hospitals was irresponsible and will be reversed. An independent veteran's association should be created to provide better care for, and help with re-settlement of, ex-service personnel into civilian society.
3.13.6 We would retain a nuclear deterrent but explore other means for providing an effective strategic defence.
3.14 Foreign Policy
3.14.1 The English Democrats seek a global system consisting of independent nation-states, each with its own identity, character, and culture. Each state should be free to trade in a way that suits its needs and customs.
3.14.2 The English Democrats favour special co-operation and links with those states, wherever they may be, which uphold the principles of national self-determination and fair trade.
3.14.3 Overseas aid should be provided in furtherance of these ideals and in accordance with the needs of English national interests.
3.14.4 Our history as a maritime trading power has provided us with a unique web of relationships, of which we should make use. We are in a position where we need not be ruled by either Brussels or Washington. We need the self-confidence and will to forge a truly independent foreign policy.
3.15 Immigration
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament. Immigration would come under the control of the English Parliament.
3.15.1 We need to change immigration policy so that it better reflects the needs and wishes of the people of England.
3.15.2 There should be a points system for entry to England which is based on the Canadian and Australian model. Points should be awarded for, among other things: educational and professional qualification; family links with England; financial resources; the ability to speak English. In other words, entry should be determined by our needs as a society and the ability of newcomers to be absorbed into the prevailing public culture. High priority should be given to creating a peaceful society which is bound together by shared values and perceptions.
3.15.3 The wishes, security and interests of the people of England should be the dominant factors in determining asylum and immigration policies for England.
3.15.4 Should there be an economic need for immigration it should be met by the employment of people on fixed term work permits.
3.15.5 Our aim should be to meet the need for skilled workers from within. A points system should be used to bring an end to mass immigration and only allow that immigration which is in the national interest. A points system should not be used to facilitate and legitimise a continuation of mass immigration.
3.15.6 Immigrants should not be a burden on the taxpayer and should be economically self-sustaining. This requires that the wages paid to immigrants should be at a level necessary for those immigrants to pay sufficient tax revenues to meet expected welfare and other public-sector costs – or else that their employers make payment for the shortfall. Furthermore, immigrants and/or their employers should make payment a capital sum to reflect a full contribution to the existing capital wealth of the nation, such as schools, hospitals, roads, housing etc. Those potential immigrants who are unable or unwilling to make these payments will not be allowed into the country.
3.15.7 International law is not fixed for all time. We should not feel bound by rules that were devised several decades ago when circumstances were very different. Asylum seekers should seek asylum in a state adjoining or nearby the state from which they are fleeing. None of the England's immediate neighbours are terrorising regimes. The England should refuse to accept any further asylum seekers and should instead give financial assistance to genuine refugees in their own or neighbouring countries, where such financial assistance will have the greatest beneficial impact.
3.15.8 In order to end the mass inflow of asylum seekers into England, England must withdraw from the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees. With an Independent England the UK would cease, as such its membership of the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees would cease.
3.15.9 Our principle concern is to preserve and build on what is left of English cultural unity and social cohesion. The preservation of our identity and culture are at least as important as economic considerations.
3.15.10 The English Democrats does not accept the fallacious but widely publicised economic arguments for mass immigration. For the most part they greatly exaggerate the economic benefits and wholly ignore the economic, social, and cultural costs. The people of England have never voted for nor supported mass immigration.
3.15.11 The English Democrats support whatever measures are necessary to bring mass immigration to a complete end. Such measures should include: Thorough border controls with all inward and outward movements through ports being logged to provide the best quality information on migration movements. Stronger visa requirements for countries with a reputation for illegal movements. The deportation of all illegal immigrants. There should be no amnesties. Illegality should not be rewarded by the granting of citizenship. Nor should organised crime rackets be allowed to profit from people smuggling. Discovered illegal immigrants should be offered the choice between cooperatively returning straight home or sent to a distant offshore holding centre during the processing of their repatriation case. The repeal of the Human Rights Act and the withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights. Both of these flawed items of legislation have perversely assisted criminals while offering little of substance to the law-abiding population. Punitive fining and possible withdrawal of trading rights of companies, company directors and other employers who employ illegal immigrants. The deportation of all those immigrants who have been convicted of a criminal offence or who are advocates of, or active supporters of, extremist behaviour of a violent, separatist or destabilising nature. The strengthening of the customs and immigration services and the vigorous enforcement of the law. The English Democrats recognise that successive Labour and Tory governments have failed to enforce our laws. Given the level of mass immigration overwhelming England all immigration may be stopped for up to five years (to be reviewed thereafter) with an exception made only for limited fixed term work permits essential or highly important to England. Our points system will at all times be secondary. Irresponsible immigration policies in recent years means that some populations in the U.K. are predicted to grow large enough to challenge for cultural and political dominance in the coming decades with a view to eliminating English culture and values. One such example is Radical Islam that has been allowed to establish itself in Britain and represents an increasing threat to our society, freedom and way of life.
Although it must be stated that many Muslims reject the more radical interpretation of Islam it also seems to be the case that many mosques in the UK follow a form of Islam that is incompatible with democracy. According to Innes Bowen in the Spectator 14/6/14 a database of British Islam showed that only 2 out of 1700 mosques in Britain follow a modernist interpretation of the Koran. This means that increasing numbers of the Muslim community are becoming radicalised and want to see the establishment of Sharia in this country.
There is of course no place for democracy, equality or human rights in the Sharia legal code and this also makes Sharia Law incompatible with Western Civilisation and modern secular liberal democracy.
The English Democrats will adopt a zero-tolerance policy of any practice that conflicts with traditional English laws or values:
1. We believe that all those involved in terrorist or terrorist related activity, where possible should have their UK citizenship revoked, be deported and never allowed to return to the U.K.
2. An English Democrats government will ensure that in future immigrants who it believes may not conform to and support English values and laws will not be admitted, or if already in England they will be deported when disco
3. In order to mitigate the problems that already exist an English Democrat government will:
I. Put an end to multiculturalism and political correctness
II. Institute a programme of education for Islamic community leaders and Imams and extend this to other religions causing concern.
III. Require all religious establishments to apply a legal code of conduct and teaching as required by Parliament.
IV. Strict enforcement, and extend where necessary, existing rules about teachings that are not acceptable in schools, state or private, places of religion or at public or private meetings.
V. Encourage codification of Religious legal systems, laws and rules of evidence so that they comply with the law of England.
VII. An obligatory acceptance by all residents of and visitors to England that they will respect and abide by the laws of the land including the English value that the Law of the Land is above all including the monarch, parliament, religions, security forces and so on.
VIII. Obligatory lessons and an exam in all schools and colleges about English values, and the supremacy of English law and of democracy and taking a positive and active part in society within these bounds. The exam will be an entrance requirement for anyone wishing to follow any degree or diploma course or any professional qualification and these may not be awarded without a pass in the exam.
IX. All schools, state and private, will hold a monthly assembly where students will pledge their allegiance to England, its parliament and its laws.
3.16 England and Multi-Culturalism
3.16.1 It is a fact that during the past forty year’s people of many different cultures have come to live in England. Our country is in that sense a multi-cultural society. However, multi-Culturalism is an ideology which suggests that a mix of many cultures in one society is desirable and that it is the duty of government to actively encourage cultural diversity within the state. Further, it suggests that all cultures should be treated as equal. A logical extension of this is that all languages, histories and law codes should be treated equally. This is clearly impossible in a unified country. All ethnic groups should be free to promote their own culture and identity, but the public culture of England should be that of the indigenous English. The wearing in public of clothing designed to conceal one’s face is at variance with English culture and current security considerations. The European Court of Human Rights supports this view with its ruling ECHR 191 (2014).
This position is consistent with the rights of indigenous nations everywhere.
3.16.2 The repeal of the Human Rights Act and the withdrawal of the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights. Both flawed items of legislation have perversely assisted criminals while offering little of substance to the law-abiding population. The English Democrats will implement the English Bill of Rights Approved by the Parliament for England.
3.17 The English
3.17.1 It is common for those who assert their English identity to be challenged in a way that would be considered insulting if directed elsewhere. To avoid misunderstanding, and to meet the demands of those who are hostile to any assertion of Englishness, we have set out below what we mean by the English.
3.17.2 The English can be defined in the same way that other nations are defined. To be English is to be part of a community. We English share a communal history, language and culture. We have a communal identity and memory. We share a 'we' sentiment, a sense of belonging. These things cannot be presented as items on a checklist. Our community, like others, has no easily defined boundaries but we exist, and we have the will to continue to exist.
3.17.3 The history of England, its artefacts, and its historical figures, including street designations and
memorial plaques should be preserved in perpetuity.
3.17.4 No item of English history may be permanently removed from the record, but if the population
so, decides, may be removed to a museum for permanent display.
3.17.5 The population may only decide on the removal or change of any item of its history through a local referendum, except that of London, as the Capital of England such matters must be decided by a national
3.18 The People of England
3.18.1 The people of England are all those English citizens who live in England.
3.18.2 In electoral terms, the people of England are all those English citizens who are on the electoral roll of an English constituency.
3.18.3 The people of England therefore include the people of many nations, all of whom share a common English citizenship.
3.18.4 The residency requirement for citizenship will be extended to a minimum of 10 years from its current level of 4 years.
3.19 Political Correctness
3.19.1 The English Democrats share the public concerns as to the harm caused to our society by political correctness.
3.19.2 The English Democrats unreservedly condemn this intolerant creed. We reject the self-righteousness of political correctness and condemn the ideology as an evil. Political correctness is incompatible with a free and democratic society.
3.19.3 One key aspect of political correctness is that a person, an institution or a government is politically correct when they cease to represent the interests of the majority, and become focused on the deliberate subversion of English national culture and interests, the denigration of English history and of the English themselves, and the promotion of the objectives of minority pressure groups.
3.19.4 Political correctness is grounded in the capture of state institutions, with official spokespeople, legislative powers and sanctions for breaches of political correctness. It is this capture of state institutions which makes political correctness so oppressive and dangerous. This must end.
3.19.5 The English Democrats will take whatsoever measures are necessary to remove political correctness from both national and local government, including the various quangos and other government bodies funded either directly or indirectly by the taxpayer. These measures will include the following three steps: Firstly, those educational establishments, legal establishments, quangos, departments or other government organisations that are promoting political correctness will be fundamentally reconstituted and/or have their funding withdrawn or, where appropriate and if possible, be closed. The so-called Commission for Equality and Human Rights will be closed. Private organisations that promote political correctness will not be awarded government contracts. Secondly, the English Democrats recognise that those institutions that are run by state appointees are the most detached from public opinion and are more likely to become politically correct. The English Democrats will, where practical, ensure that senior public employees, such as police chief constables and senior judges, are democratically approved by the community they serve. This will be achieved either via direct elections or via approval by democratically elected representatives. Many senior public posts will be subject to a maximum occupancy period, for such senior public employees to be accountable to the public will form a part of a bulwark against political correctness. Thirdly, the English Democrats will carry out a review of all laws and regulations, and will amend or, where appropriate and if possible, completely repeal those laws and regulations that foster and promote political correctness.
3.20 St George's Day
3.20.1 The people of England should be able to celebrate St George's day as a National Holiday.
3.21 Sport
3.21.1 The English Democrats supports full independence of the English Nation in international sport. An England team in all team sports in internationally recognised competitions, an English Olympic Committee, and the right of all players in individual sports to describe themselves as being of English Nationality.
3.22 A Parliament for England
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members of Parliament sitting in the English Parliament.
3.22.1 We reject the plans for regional assemblies because, among other things, they will promote disunity and conflict within England.
3.22.6 With an Independent England the United Kingdom would cease, we would seek a new special relationship between the nations of the former UK. This could be pursued through a Council of the Isles, an organisation like the Nordic Council in which all members are treated as equals. Representatives serving on the Council would seek areas where members could co-operate for their mutual benefit.
3.23 The Constitutional Case for Reform
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament.
An Independent England would automatically stop MPs from other nations voting on English issues.
3.23.1 It was Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP for West Lothian, who asked why MPs representing Scottish constituencies should be able to vote in the UK Parliament on matters affecting England (e.g. health and education) when MPs representing English constituencies are unable to vote on similar matters affecting Scotland? There are some, like Lord Chancellor Irvine, a Scotsman, who suggests that the best way to deal with the West-Lothian question is not to ask or answer it. Such insufferable arrogance is a very good reason for opening the position of Lord Chancellor to public election.
3.23.2 Of at least equal importance to who is able to vote on legislation, is who is able to initiate policies and legislation. MPs representing Scottish and Welsh constituencies can be appointed as Ministers (e.g. transport) and thereby initiate policies that affect only England. In a similar way they can, as members of the Cabinet, take part in the formulation of policy and legislation for England.
3.23.4 Furthermore, legislation affecting only England is subject to scrutiny and amendment in the House of Lords, whereas Scottish legislation on devolved matters is not subject to the approval of a second chamber.
3.23.5 There is also the issue of English under representation in the House of Commons -England has 40 fewer MPs than is warranted by its population size. This means that English votes are worth less than Scottish votes.
3.23.6 Finally, the Barnett formula, which was devised in 1978 to undermine support for the Scottish National Party, is grossly unfair to England. It was justified on the grounds that there needed to be 20% higher expenditure in Scotland in order to bring its public services up to the standard in England. The allocation of funds was to be based on relative need. There has been no assessment of need since 1976. In 1997 Scotland was the third richest region in the UK with a provision of public services that far exceeded those available in many parts of England. The formula is clearly a political expedient and not based on a proper assessment of need. Many parts of England are more deserving of special funding than is Scotland. The Barnett formula should be ended immediately, and a new scheme devised that would both direct resources to those parts of England which are in greatest need and raise standards generally.
3.23.7 It can be seen that solutions like the one proposed by the Conservative Party, known as 'English votes on English laws', will neither redress the unfair treatment of the people of England nor help produce a coherent constitutional settlement. It is a completely inadequate response to the problems outlined above. A remedy must address much more than who votes for what. It needs to consider who initiates policy and who has a mandate to do so. The Conservative Party has so far been unable to offer a sensible solution to the problem because it is obsessed by the need to preserve the Union at whatever the cost to England. Their obsession is a weakness, which Scottish politicians in Scotland, in Westminster, and in government, are able to take advantage of.
3.23.8 The Labour Party and government are dominated and controlled by Scots so it is understandable that they should be enthusiastic about a Scottish Parliament and the preservation of Scottish identity. A more pressing reason for the creation of a Scottish Parliament was their concern to preserve the dominant position of the Labour Party in Scotland. In their actions they feel no guilt about giving preferential treatment to Scotland. They clearly have little empathy with the English or their interests.
3.23.9 The Liberal Democrats and their former Scottish leader Charles Kennedy, despite their frequently expressed concerns for democracy and fairness, are opposed to putting those ideals into effect by allowing the people of England to have a parliament of their own.
3.24 The Barnett Formula
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament.
With an Independent England the Barnett formula would automatically cease.
3.24.1 In 1996/7, total expenditure per head of population on services in Scotland was 24% higher than in England. That figure is for all public service and welfare spending, including that on social security. If we look at spending in those policy areas which have been devolved to Scotland, it can be seen that spending is on average 31% per person higher in Scotland than in England. Spending in Scotland on health and personal social services was 22% higher; education 31% higher; transport 31% higher; trade, industry, energy and employment 55% higher; housing 87% higher; agriculture 123% higher. This additional funding for Scotland under the Barnett formula amounts to £12 billion each year.
3.24.2 This unjustified and unfair institutionalised discrimination against the people of England will not end until they make their displeasure known. One way of doing that is to join and vote for the ENGLISH DEMOCRATS.
3.24.3 Furthermore, legislation affecting only England is subject to scrutiny and amendment in the House of Lords, whereas Scottish legislation on devolved matters is not subject to the approval of a second chamber. As a consequence, the English Democrats would offer a referendum choice on either reforming the chamber to consist of 100 elected Senators or of abolishing it totally. If an elected Upper Chamber is chosen and it feels it needs advice on practical matters it would have the powers to set up specialist committees of external experts to report and recommend actions that could be taken.
3.25 Monmouthshire
3.25.1 The English Democrats consider that the position of Monmouthshire in Wales is anomalous, as historically it had mostly been part of England until recent boundary re-organisation. Accordingly, we would wish to see a county referendum in Monmouthshire as to whether the people of Monmouthshire would wish to be treated as being part of Wales or part of England.
3.26 Policy on Council Tax/Domestic Rates
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. An Independent England would have an English Parliament, English Prime Minister, and directly elected English Members sitting in the English Parliament.
3.26.1 Our policy is: - An Independent England. The domestic rates system in England, and any changes to it, should be controlled by an English Government. Fairer funding for England resulting from the abolition of the Barnet formula will significantly improve resources made available to English local authorities. This increase will allow English local authorities to reduce rates or to provide additional services without increasing rates in real terms. Longer term changes to local authority funding and to the domestic rates structure in England can then be considered and in the context of any proposed changes to other policies, such as business rates, abolition of the pension fund tax credit and the powers and authority of local authorities in England relative to the powers and authority of an English Government to ensure that local taxes fairly reflect people's ability to pay.
3.27 English Tourism
3.27.1 The English Democrats call for British Tourism to be converted into English tourism bodies, focused on the growth of the English tourist industry.
Brexit has reopened two constitutional conflicts which must be resolved
Article by Jonathan Clark
The British have, typically, little interest in constitutional law. Unlike the French, who regularly rewrite their constitution in revolutions or attempts to prevent revolutions, the British tend to assume that little changes and that all is well. Alas, the constitutional problems accumulate nevertheless. Dominic Grieve was right in a recent Commons debate to say that there are areas of the British constitution that need clearer definition. But what exactly are they? Why is the Brexit question so difficult to resolve through the familiar Westminster machinery?
The big issues of constitutional conflict are so fraught because they happen in legal grey areas, in which agreement and definition have never emerged. Today there are two such major areas, though many minor ones.
The first is the question of sovereignty: where does ultimate authority reside? It is many centuries since any significant number of people claimed that it resided with the person of the monarch alone. But the decline of that image was followed by the growing popularity of another, ‘the Crown in Parliament’, that is, the monarch, the Lords and the Commons acting together. This image never went away, but was upstaged by the doctrine of the lawyer A. V. Dicey (1835-1922) that ‘Parliament’ (meaning, increasingly, the House of Commons) was sovereign. Yet from the Reform Bill of 1832 into the 20th century, successive rounds of franchise extension strengthened another old idea, that the ultimate authority lay with ‘the People’, however defined.
From 1973, when the UK joined the EEC, it slowly became evident that the answer was ‘none of the above’: ultimate authority lay with Brussels. Parliament rubber-stamped increasing amounts of secondary legislation from an evolving super-state. In 2019, departure from the EU would remove that layer of command. This prospect inevitably reopens an old debate, which had never really been settled: was Parliament or the People finally supreme? Its re-emergence reminds us that Dicey’s doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty was the opinion of one commentator only. That opinion partly corresponded to contemporary practice, partly not.
Today, the tide is everywhere running in the opposite direction. Deference and duty daily fade; the key word everywhere is ‘choice’, and this means the choices of the many, not just the few. The transformation of communications places steadily more power in the hands of a steadily more educated, better informed ‘People’. But this trend has been matched by another, seen across the West in recent decades and at all levels: in increasingly complex societies, the executive has everywhere grown more powerful vis-a-vis the legislature. Political scientists have largely ignored this tide, but it has swept forwards nevertheless. It means that two powerful social forces now collide. Across western democracies, ‘ordinary people’ find means of complaining that they are ignored by elites who ‘just don’t get it’; elites decry ‘populism’ and exalt the opinion of ‘experts’, expressed to within one decimal point in forecasts of outcomes 15 years hence.
This collision reopens a second, equally old, question. What is a Member of Parliament: a delegate, or a representative? Edmund Burke famously outlined the case for the second: MPs, once elected, represent the nation as a whole; they owe the nation their best judgment; they are in nobody’s pocket. But another idea is just as old, and equally honourable: MPs are sent to Westminster by their electors to redress the electors’ grievances, and are accountable to them. Against Burke, we can set another intellectual, Andrew Marvell, MP for Hull in 1659-78, who was paid by his constituents and regularly reported back to them. Understandably, Burke’s high-sounding doctrine proved the more popular among MPs. But after he framed it, his constituents in Bristol threw him out for favouring Irish commercial interests over theirs, and he represented thereafter only his patron’s pocket borough.
Both ideas in their pure form are unacceptable. But how the balance between the two is to be struck can never be quantified or defined, and a crisis like the present makes the impossibility of a definition clear. ‘The People’ voted by 52 to 48 for Leave, and a larger percentage now says ‘just get on with it’; but about five-sixths of the House of Commons are for Remain.
Among Conservative MPs, something under 100 are evidently for Leave; of the other 200 or so, over half are on the Government payroll in one capacity or another, and more would like to be. So profound a dissociation between elite and popular opinion is rare. Worse still, public opinion polls and the growing practice of referenda quantify the problem as never before; the issue is easily expressed in binary terms (Leave or Remain); and the arguments have been fully rehearsed. Other countries show similar problems of relations between the many and the few, but in the UK these are brought to a focus. Since the constitution has failed to resolve them, public debate is full of expressions of elite contempt for the ignorant, prejudiced, xenophobic, racialist populace on the one hand; of popular contempt for the self-serving, condescending, out-of-touch Establishment on the other.
Before 1914, Conservative peers making technical points over a budget were manoeuvred by Lloyd George into a constitutional confrontation that could be memorably summed up as ‘Peers versus the People’. In this clash, the peers could only lose. Now, the Remainers have been manoeuvred into a constitutional confrontation that, if it goes much further, will be labelled ‘Parliament versus the People’. In such a conflict it can only be Parliament that will lose. In that event, the damage would be considerable.
These great questions of constitutional definition are seldom solved; rather, the issues are defused by building next to them a new practice. The present challenge is to accommodate that new arrival in the political arena, the referendum, and to turn it into a clearly specified, moderate, and constructive institution, as it is in Switzerland. Those concerned about daily policy should think again about a subject, once salient in university History departments but now everywhere disparaged: constitutional history.
Northern Ireland for UK Cabinet Ministers and Other
The English Democrats campaign for an Independent England. We are committed to government of the people, by the people, for the people. Those with power to affect our way of life must be answerable to the people. Democracy is much more than the ability to choose, from time to time, between broadly similar parties which compete amongst themselves for power. Real democracy is measured by the ability of the people to manage their political, economic, physical, and cultural environment.
Please read this interesting article from British politics and policy at LSE.
Northern Ireland for English Cabinet Ministers and other beginners
Posted: 19 Nov 2018 04:00 PM PST
Brexit has exposed much confusion about the history and processes of Northern Ireland, both among the public and government ministers. In an effort to provide some clarity, Sean Swan offers an overview.
Given the importance of the Irish border in the Brexit negotiations, the lack of knowledge about Northern Ireland displayed by senior English politicians is depressing. Perhaps the ultimate example of this was when Northern Ireland secretary, Karen Bradley, admitted that she:
didn’t understand things like when elections are fought, for example, in Northern Ireland – people who are Nationalists don’t vote for Unionist parties and vice versa. So, the parties fight for election within their own community.
The 2018 Annual Future of England Survey was conducted in each nation of the UK. It contained a question on national independence. 41% of Scots agreed with the statement “Scotland should become an independent country”; 19% of the Welsh agreed that Wales should be independent, and a similar 19% of the English thought that England should be independent. The response in Northern Ireland to the question should it be independent showed that only 4% agreed that it should – but 44% thought it should form part of a united Ireland and 43% thought it should remain part of the UK. This is unsurprising. Northern Ireland, unlike England, Scotland or Wales, is not a nation. It is home to two competing national identities. This is Northern Ireland’s first dirty little secret; its second flows from this – the real border runs not so much between Ireland and the Republic as along the 20 foot high walls – euphemistically named ‘peace lines’ – separating Nationalist and Unionist areas in Belfast and other parts of Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland has its origins in Unionist resistance to Irish Home Rule in the 1880s. That resistance quickly crystallised around the northern province of Ulster, where there was a Unionist majority. ‘Unionists’ were mainly Protestant descendants of those English and lowland Scots with whom James IV & I had planted Ulster in the early 17th century. The Catholic/Protestant division in Northern Ireland is thus not religious per se, rather religion serves as a cultural marker distinguishing ‘natives’ from ‘settlers’ (who speak the same language and are the same colour).
The aim of Ulster opposition to Home Rule was to either prevent it, or at worse, to prevent it being applied to Ulster. Following a series of failed Home Rule bills in 1886 and 1893, the Home Rule crisis of 1912-4 and the 1916 Rising, the 1920 Government of Ireland Act (also known as the fourth Home Rule Bill), was designed to bring Home Rule to Ireland, but with two separate parliaments: one for the 26 southern counties and one for six of the nine counties of Ulster. It became a dead-letter as regards the south as it was overtaken by the Irish War of Independence, the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the creation of the Irish Free State – a self-governing dominion within the Empire.
Ironically, the 1920 Government of Ireland Act, designed to deal with Irish Home Rule thus came to apply only to the Unionist area. Northern Ireland was created to be the largest area of the province of Ulster in which Unionists would have a secure majority, which turned out to be six of Ulster’s nine counties. This yielded a Unionist majority of roughly two to one, though many border areas and NI’s second city actually contained Nationalist majorities – who did not want to be part of NI. Part of NI’s tragedy is that it originated from Unionist opposition to Home Rule but, as a ‘Unionist state’, was ‘territorially over bounded’. It controlled six counties but only had a majority in four and a half of them.
For fifty years Northern Ireland existed as a semi-detached region of the UK. Ulster Unionists had not asked for a separate parliament, but a parliament they got. The British political parties did not organise there and Northern Ireland was kept at arms’ length from the politics of the British state. The only form of politics possible within the devolved parliament was the constitutional question and Unionist policing of a large dissident Nationalist minority. Elections were regularly held but elections in Northern Ireland were never anything more than sectarian headcounts. Despite elections, the government of Northern Ireland never changed. It was always Unionist.
Gerrymandering, particularly in Derry city which had a Nationalist majority, was almost a structural imperative. It was the only way in which Unionists could politically control areas in which they were a minority. Because the local election franchise was restricted to householders, giving somebody a house also meant giving them the vote. This provided a powerful incentive for discrimination in the allocation of local authority housing.
This situation was challenged by the civil rights mobilisation in the late 1960s. The movement challenged structures on which Unionist hegemony in Northern Ireland relied, and led to a Unionist backlash which rapidly degenerated into the Troubles. Truly horrible things happened during the Troubles – Bloody Sunday, the Kingsmill massacre, the Shankill Butchers, the Birmingham and Guildford bombings, the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, and random sectarian assassinations.
The Troubles were ended by a peace process which culminated in and was sealed by, the Good Friday Agreement. A large part of the Agreement consists of mechanisms to prevent discrimination. The Assembly created by the Agreement operates on a power-sharing basis; it is not controlled by a majority party; and seats in the Executive are allocated on the basis of party strength. This creates a form of forced coalition government. Members elected to this Assembly must designate as either ‘Nationalist’, ‘Unionist’ or ‘other’. Certain key votes require a minimum of support from both those designated as ‘Unionists’ and those designated as ‘Nationalists’. All of this is designed to deal with the issue of potential discrimination at the individual or community level.
Another important part of the Agreement deals with the key constitutional issue. Northern Ireland remains a part of the UK for as long as a majority so desires. Should that seem to have changed, a referendum will be held to give the people the choice between remaining in the UK or joining a united Ireland. Northern Ireland is thus conditionally part of the UK. At the individual level, both Dublin and London guarantee the rights of individuals in Northern Ireland to be, and to be recognised as being, British citizens, Irish citizens, or both. And this would not change even if Northern Ireland became part of united Ireland. This is important because it recognises the fact that there are two separate national allegiances in Northern Ireland.
The Agreement also created North/South institutions connecting Northern Ireland and the Republic (the North/South Ministerial Council) and linking the Republic and the UK (the British-Irish Council). Such institutions obviously blur the distinction between the UK and the Republic as much as they do the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. The core of the Agreement was thus a blurring of all sorts of borders. It represents a form of post-Westphalian sovereignty in which the distinction between being an Irish or British citizen, whether within Northern Ireland or within these islands, was more symbolic than of any practical significance. This was in harmony with the general thrust of developments within the EU. Obviously, the existence of a common EU citizenship further blurred distinctions. Brexit, with its emphasis on borders, was always going to pose problems for Northern Ireland.
In terms of democracy or economic prosperity, there is little to choose between the Republic of Ireland and the UK. The 2017 Economist Intelligence Unit ranks Ireland as the joint 6th most democratic country in the world and the UK as 14th. In terms of prosperity, the UN Human Development Index ranks Ireland as 4th most developed and the UK as 14th. Not only can it no longer be argued that ‘Home rule is Rome Rule’, but Northern Ireland is today much closer to a model of ‘Rome Rule’ than is the Republic. Abortion and equal marriage remain banned there – though the reason for this currently has more to do with Protestant fundamentalism than Catholicism. Nor can it be maintained that Nationalists today suffer significant discrimination in Northern Ireland.
Whether Northern Ireland is part of the UK or of a united Ireland thus makes little difference in terms of prosperity or rights. What is at issue is symbolism and identity. What makes all this extra problematic is the fact that there is now no majority in Northern Ireland. The 2011 census showed that those of Catholic background comprise 45% of the population and those of a Protestant background 48%. Similarly, latest opinion polls showed 44% in favour of a united Ireland and 43% in favour or remaining in the UK. The real borders in Northern Ireland may run along the peace lines, but the symbolically significant border remains the one between North and South. The need to keep that border ‘soft’, ambiguous and invisible should be obvious and not have to be endlessly re-made.
The case for ‘special status’ for Northern Ireland rests on the reality that Northern Ireland is, and always was, different. Those who argue that giving Northern Ireland special status would strengthen the case of the Scots who want their own special status and a closer relationship with the EU, need to explain why Scotland should not have that right. Scotland, like Northern Ireland, voted to Remain. Brexit is an English obsession. Those who wish to maintain the existence of the UK state would be better advised allowing for and facilitating the real differences that exist between the UK’s component parts than in trying to force an Anglo-centric uniformity on everybody else. Of course, it would help if they knew just a little bit more about Scotland and Northern Ireland. Here’s a clue: Finchley is in England, not in Northern Ireland or Scotland.
About the Author
Sean Swan is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Gonzaga University.
All articles posted on this blog give the views of the author(s), and not the position of LSE British Politics and Policy, nor of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Featured image credit: Pixabay/CC0 licence.
The Decay of the British State
At the height of Empire, when the British State was thought by vast numbers of people across the planet to be the greatest and most powerful State on earth; Rudyard Kipling wrote his famous poem “Recessional” – the haunting words of which are:-
“God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle-line,
Beneath whose awful Hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies;
The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard,
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy mercy on Thy People, Lord!”
But who other than Kipling could have thought back then in 1897, that just a bit over a hundred and twenty years later the British State would have reached such a point where it seems to fail at everything it tries?
We have got very used to hearing over the last two years, just how ineffectual the British Political Establishment has become that it cannot even get its act together to implement the EU Referendum result. This is despite having made it crystal clear at the time from all sides of the debate that the referendum result would be implemented. This really is not rocket science. It is a clear demonstration of the further feebleness of the British Establishment’s Political culture.
In everyday life we are also used to hearing other instances of just how bad the British State is at delivering on anything that it sets itself to. Whether it be computerisation projects or even the MoD trying to bring the British Army back from Germany, but then finding that they had sold off so many of the bases that it is no longer possible!
The other day in my professional work as a solicitor I came across a little example of just how bad the administration of one of the most fundamental aspects of the basic institutions of the State has become, namely the Courts.
It is worth remembering that the courts pre-date almost every aspect of the State’s functions, except for Defence. The administration of the Courts is therefore far more fundamental to the running of the State than the Welfare system, the NHS, the Transport system, the Education system or any of the other things that the British Political Elite wants to talk about, however ineffectual their deliberations may be.
I just thought I would share with you some of my woes in dealing with the Courts.
I have been dealing with a case which was primarily dealt with at Edmonton County Court, but then there was an Appeal which went to the Central London County Court.
The upshot was that the Assessment of the Costs of the case could theoretically either be assessed at Edmonton or at Central London County Court. I therefore wrote to both asking for them to let me know which. Only Edmonton replied and even then after quite a long wait. They said it was the Central London County Court.
As the papers have to be taken in nowadays with a prior appointment, I then rang Central London County Court to arrange this and to which said that the papers should be taken into Edmonton.
After some difficulty I managed to get through to Edmonton (who didn’t basically answer the phone!). They said that it was Central London County Court.
So I then rang Central London County Court again and they said it was definitely Edmonton. I pointed out that both courts were now saying that it was the other Court and therefore I needed the Courts to resolve between them which Court the papers had to be handed into.
Central London County Court then issued a direction on the internet Court file. So finally, when I got back to Edmonton County Court, I got an appointment to hand in the papers.
When I did so Edmonton County Court’s Clerks then moaned about the size of the file!
This particular small version of the Whitehall farce was anything unusual in dealing with the current British State.
The next part of the saga will be a long wait whilst we wait for the Court to actually deal with the Assessment.
This bit of incompetence is the result of typical Conservative ministerial actions, in this case by Chris Grayling. Who, when he was the “Justice” Minister, not only did the usual “slash and burn” cuts of over 40% to the Civil Justice system, but also pushed ahead with asset stripping by selling off the historic court buildings in town centres. He coupled these actions with raising court fees by over 400%! Despite the fact that before his intervention the Civil Justice system was actually making a profit for the State! The results of his unwillingness to think about the consequences of his actions are that we now have a Civil Justice Court system whose administration is truly appalling.
This of course is just another example of how bad the British State is at managing even its basic responsibilities.
This general incompetence is also partly because of the British Establishment’s addiction to political correctness. People are no longer appointed within the British State because of their ability to do the job for the country and for taxpayers. They are appointed on the basis of Sovietesque, ethnic, sexuality, tick box “politically correct” tokenism. So consequently it is no surprise that those appointed this way not only cannot do the job, but have no particular desire or incentive to do it properly.
Many of the key people within the State of course no longer really care to look after the interests of the country or our Nation and in many cases are actively against both the country and Nation.
All this is symptomatic of the decay of the British State to the point now that it is not just past its “best before” date but well past its “use by” date!
In England we urgently need a rejuvenated State which is both dedicated to, and works efficiently to, promote the interests of England and of the English Nation!
This must be an English State which will confidently make a patriotic appeal for national unity and national pride and which stands against progressive tribalism, which has for too long sought to divide the country into grievance groups and to promote a narrative of shame. We need a State which will reject the decades of the British Establishment’s revisionist history and grievance ideology which have sought to undermine English national pride!
The Dissolution of the Dis-United Kingdom
Warring Tories have put a hurricane in the sail of the nationalists
FAQ about the English Democrats
Are you just more of the same old politicians?
English Democrats are conviction politicians. Our party has gradually grown in numbers since 2002 to now well over 4,000. All our activists are volunteers, they receive no expenses for their travel, telephone etc, from the English Democrats or the UK or European taxpayer – unlike those of the British Establishment parties all too many of whom are experts in milking the system.
Are you against the United Kingdom?
“English & Proud” – that’s what English Democrats are. We reject the Unionists’ argument that “England is too big” to the break-up of England. England is a proud and historic nation and we should restore equality between the British nations and stop the English being treated as being second class citizens in our own country! There have been referendums in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland leading to Home Rule. Devolution in these countries has had a major impact on the governance of England. The people of England too are entitled to be consulted and there should be a referendum for English Independence which takes us automatically outside the European Union!
What are your origins?
The founding members of the English Democrats came together in 2002 when the party was launched at Imperial College London. Many of the founding members were members of the political campaign group the “Campaign for an English Parliament” (CEP). Our party consists of normal patriotic people from all walks of life and backgrounds.
Politically our policies are neither left nor right. We have a commitment to a mixed economy and the provision of essential public services. We are implacably opposed to blind acceptance of globalisation with its economics based on cheap labour and the off-shoring of English jobs. We believe that there is a need to support our own manufacturing industry. We also believe that Charity Begins at Home and would prioritise help for the vulnerable and pensioners in our own country rather than borrowing to give away so much money to foreign governments and institutions – often ones with well-deserved reputations for financial malpractice.
Are you racist?
Of course not! Comments about being racist are the favourite insults used by Liberal Democrats, Tories and Labour, as well as the politically correct in general, as their objective is to trade on self-hatred and anti-Englishness. National pride is nothing to be ashamed of and being proud to be English is not racist. Every country has ethnic minorities. You do not have to be English to support the English Democrats and we welcome support from all who share our aims. All the people of England are affected by the injustices created by the current British Political Establishment.
Are you anti-European?
There is often confusion in answering this question. We are very interested in having good and productive relationships with all the countries in Europe, but we do not believe in political union, i.e. we reject the concept of a United States of Europe under the auspices of the European Union (EU). We believe that the people of England have been betrayed by British Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives & Unionists alike, with half-truths and lies being told which have resulted in our country being stripped of its right to make laws on our own behalf. We reject any attempt to break England into Euro Regions, removing England’s status as a nation.
We want to be friends and trading partners with Europe – but we don’t want to be run by Brussels. We would never support joining the Euro and believe laws to penalise people who buy goods in imperial measures are draconian and antidemocratic.
What would we do if we left the EU?
We do not believe the EU has brought many advantages to English businesses, in fact we believe the contrary to be the case. Onerous and expensive bureaucracies have flourished issuing masses of legislative requirements which make our industries uncompetitive in comparison to the rest of the world. At the same time the EU is admitting vast amounts of trade from low cost countries like China and India, without their need to meet the same stringent standards. The consequence is our manufacturing base and production facilities are closing down and re-locating, where the bureaucracy and costs are so much cheaper. This process will in time be catastrophic for England and many European nations. The EU seems powerless to protect its own vital strategic interests and we have no faith that the people who are running the EU have the skills or ability to make a success of the venture. We will always oppose being part of the Eurozone.