During this Corona Virus crisis, the English Democrats Party will be helping to facilitate a Community Care Assistance programme for the elderly, infirm and young families throughout England wherever people take it up.
We are small but well-established English Party for Patriots and want to do all we can for our people during these difficult times. All of us can play a part in looking after those less fortunate and as English Patriots I believe it is not an option but a duty.
You will see in the white box a local contact number, This will be someone in YOUR own area that could help you if necessary and you should use this, NOT our Party number as we merely facilitate LOCALS to implement this scheme.
As part of our Community Aid Project you will see on the reverse of this leaflet a RED and a GREEN card for you to use. These are to DISPLAY IN YOUR WINDOW, and a local volunteer should keep an eye on this for any change in status and action accordingly. So, KEEP THE GREEN IN YOUR WINDOW AT ALL TIMES AND IF YOU NEED HELP, SIMPLY CHANGE IT TO THE RED CARD. Then local volunteers can see it and will contact you to see how they can assist. All local volunteers should wear GLOVES and ANTI VIRUS face protection to cut any possible risk of infection from either party to keep YOU and the local Aid volunteers safe.
May I wish you all the very best during this crisis and may God bless you!