Remember the horrific sacrifices of the Great War and all the other conflicts we should be mindful of OUR DUTY TO RESIST AND FIGHTBACK against the traitors and all forms of tyranny.
Your grandfather like mine sacrificed the innocence of his youth and watched his generation be butchered and slaughtered so that we could remain free.
Sadly, today there are people who openly insult our troops, BURN our poppies and engage in murdering our lads in and out of uniform.
Many PC liberals tell us NOT to wear the poppy symbol as it could offend others or that wearing the poppy could get us attacked!
I urge YOU and every other patriot to wear this badge as a sign of YOUR resistance to the PC traitors, invaders and political cowards who are trying to sell our country out! We shall NOT be intimidated.
Remember the horrific sacrifices of the Great War and all the other conflicts we should be mindful of OUR DUTY TO RESIST AND FIGHTBACK against the traitors and all forms of tyranny.
Your grandfather like mine sacrificed the innocence of his youth and watched his generation be butchered and slaughtered so that we could remain free.
Sadly, today there are people who openly insult our troops, BURN our poppies and engage in murdering our lads in and out of uniform.
Many PC liberals tell us NOT to wear the poppy symbol as it could offend others or that wearing the poppy could get us attacked!
I urge YOU and every other patriot to wear this badge as a sign of YOUR resistance to the PC traitors, invaders and political cowards who are trying to sell our country out! We shall NOT be intimidated.
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