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Chilling moment sex predator lures schoolgirl off the street


This is the chilling moment a sex predator lured a schoolgirl off the street before plying her with alcohol and raping her in a guest house.

CCTV footage shows Aluwas Razak chatting to the 14-year-old girl after spotting her walking through Leicester city centre on a Saturday afternoon.

The 30-year-old of Stretton Road, Leicester, persuaded her to go to the cinema with him on June 15 last year.

He bought her food and plied her with alcohol before raping her twice in a guest house in Hinckley Road near the city centre.

The victim reported the attack to police and officers trawled CCTV footage to identify Razak as the rapist.

He was caught on camera using an ATM where he withdrew cash which he used to pay for the room where he raped the girl.

Razak was also filmed buying vodka from a shop nearby at 10pm the same night.

Police launched a manhunt for the rapist and he was finally caught after a detective spotted him entering a property near the scene.

Bodycam footage shows the moment Razak was arrested on July 25 and charged with two counts of rape and one of sexual assault against the teenager.

He was found guilty of all three offences following a trial at Leicester Crown Court and was jailed for 11 years last week.

He was also made the subject of a lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Order and will be placed on the Sex Offenders' Register.

Detective Inspector Kevin Hames, of Leicestershire Police's Child Abuse Investigation Unit (CAIU), said: 'Razak approached a young girl who was on her own and after gaining her trust he abused that power to carry out the most horrific crimes.

'Throughout her ordeal the girl has shown incredible strength.

'It took extreme courage for her to share the details of what had occurred so that officers and staff could carry out a thorough investigation.

'In the days after the incident occurred, officers and staff worked above and beyond to ensure the man responsible for the offences was caught and the evidence was captured.'
