Covid-19: Panic buying at supermarkets could invalidate your car insurance
Car insurance policies could be invalidated by panic buying at supermarkets due to these driving rules. Piling food and other household items into a vehicle could even see police officers stop you for breaking motoring laws.
“Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers” could see motorists fined or issued penalty points for overloading their car.
The law says road users should ensure their car does not exceed the manufacturer’s weight limit which is often available in the vehicle manual.
Motorists can be fined up to a £300 fixed penalty and be issued three penalty points on their driving licence for overloading a vehicle.
Some offences may be punishable with a court hearing which could see penalties rise to a £2,500 fine and a potential driving ban.
The RAC confirms overloading a car with goods or people can invalidate a policy in a warning to road users.
Motorists can avoid issues with overloading their car by simply checking their vehicle handbook.
Overall weight limit should be stated clearly in the manual and many motorists may find this is lighter than they first imagined.
Vehicle owners should weigh large items before they are packed in a car and must not forget to include the weight of a driver and passenger inside the maximum limit.