Our capital is now run by the gangs with a wink and a nod from the man in power: Sadiq Aman Khan!
The Metropolitan Police stated three men have attended hospital with injuries believed to be linked to the shooting. The men’s conditions are currently unknown. A crime scene remains in place. Police say as yet no arrests have been made. The Metropolitan Police have cordoned off the area.
Eyewitness Fiona Stewart, from Dalston, told Mirror Online: "There were specks of blood everywhere on the pavement. There were trails of blood.
"A lady was sat down outside and said she was with the guy who had been shot in the stomach.
"I don't know if he, the shooter, was aiming at him or the group."
A stunned witness has reported the "drive-by" style shooting marred an event marking the second anniversary of the death of Rashan Charles.
It is understood that a man was shot in the stomach outside the Yours Locally shop in Kingsland Road, Dalston, London.
Police say three males have gone to hospital with wounds believed to be linked to the shooting.
Reportedly Rashan Charles, 20, died on July 22, 2017 after being chased by police into the same Dalston store.
The London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has been accused of being “arrogant and complacent” after he insisted London is not less safe since he became Mayor despite soaring crime figures and another week of bloodshed in the capital.
The Mayor has pointed to the work his team had done dealing with terrorism.
Mr Khan has also set up a violence reduction unit to help thwart the spiralling crisis.
But, the Conservative Party has released damning figures in their “Cost of Khan 3” report which showed major increases in residential burglary, robbery, homicide and knife crime.
Mr Khan has been slammed for his lacklustre response to the crime epidemic across London.
The Mayor has claimed some 20 times in the last three years that central Government and Tory cuts are to blame for the rise in crime rates.
Typical Khan. It is always someone else's fault, never the man in charge.